Monday, September 10, 2012

Hmmm . . .

Well, this blog is about a couple different things.  I thought I had a topic that would be really great but  . . .  well let's just say, I decided against it.

Anyway,  I have finally signed up for Pinterest.  Beth tried to get me on it before the wedding, but it didn't work out.  Now I think I might be a little addicted.  Its really a great way to collect and "steal" ideas.   I just started a day ago and I already have 6 boards.  My boards are, gardening, food, school ideas, things I want and things I want to remember, and a special board for Holidays.  I have found so many ideas for so many things I am a little overwhelmed.  But I can't wait to see what is there tomorrow.

Today is National Suicide Prevention Day.  I can't help but remember, every time I here that word, about my cousin.  He killed himself many years ago.  I wasn't as close to him as I could have been, as I should have been.  I have no idea what he was going through that would make him think that was the only way.  I wonder, if I had been around, would I have seen some sign?  Was there some way to prevent this and our whole family just missed it?

I don't have the answers.  But I know, if there is someone in your family that is dealing with bullies or always seems to be depressed, talk to that person. Let them know you care about them and that you are available to talk anytime.  Don't let another day go by without telling them you love them.  

I know that someone is reading, but I would love to know who you are.  Please leave me a comment if you read this blog.

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